Spider-Man: Sony Producer Amy Pascal Hopes Things Work Out With Marvel Studios - LRM Online


We’re all a little bit concerned. While I personally have no problem with Venom being the movie it is, even if it does skew toward the mediocre side of things, it’s hard not to worry that Sony will be emboldened to take Spider-Man home with them once their contract with Marvel Studios is up. After all, why would they continue to let Spider-Man be out of their reach when they can make movies with him themselves.

But is this a future we even have to worry about? Can we exist in a world where Sony and Marvel Studios could continue to work together? We certainly hope so, and in a previous interview we had with Avi Arad, he seemed to hint at the idea of Sony not wanting to beat Marvel Studios at their own game, but he is only one producer. Now, speaking with Vanity Fair, the other main Marvel producer at Sony, Amy Pascal, also seemed to be relatively open to the idea of continuing on.

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When asked about a future where their deal expires and the two studios go off by themselves once more.

“I think about crying. I can only hope for a future where things work out. I’ve known Kevin since he was Avi’s very, very quiet assistant, who for many years sat in that room listening to us and being so much smarter than any of us without any of us realizing. I will say that working with Marvel has been one of the highlights of my professional career.”

Obviously, as high up as Amy Pascal and Arad seem in this whole deal, they are just two producers who need to answer for the higher-ups over at Sony, so at the end of the day, none of it is up to them.

Do you think Sony will let the deal continue? Let us know what you think down below!

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SOURCE: Vanity Fair

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