Zac Efron Sundance party leaves attendees angry, freezing - Page Six


PARK CITY, Utah — A Sundance Film Festival party celebrating the cast and filmmakers of the Zac Efron-starring “Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile” left festival attendees angry and frustrated after they couldn’t gain entry.

A long line of RSVP’d attendees stood outside the venue waiting to gain entry to the soiree, though it would never happen. We’re told the party, which began at midnight, reached capacity almost immediately, so it became a one in, one out situation, but bouncers and publicists would only allow VIPs inside the DIRECTV lounge.

“I stood on that line for an hour, and they wouldn’t let anyone on it in,” one angry partygoer told us. “We were all on the list, which I guess didn’t mean anything.”

Another hopeful—but ultimately disappointed partygoer—told us that she lost feeling in her hands due to the extremely cold weather.

“I waited from midnight to 1:30 a.m. and didn’t even realize my hands were numb until I pulled out my phone to try and take a picture of Zac leaving,” she said.

When the crowd’s frustration finally reached its apex, one of the security guards admitted odds of getting in were slim because of the VIP treatment.

“He looked like he really felt bad for us and said there was probably no end in sight for waiting on that line,” another wannabe partier told us.

We’re told once Efron departed the party around 1:30 Sunday morning, the line moved quickly.

“At that point, there was no point in going inside,” the insider shared. “Everyone got angrier and then just gave up and left.”

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